Monday, June 20, 2011

Michael Madsen "Hell Ride" Bike

On Friday I did a photo shoot w/ my buddy, Michael Madsen. It was for ROOTS Magazine. They were doing a story on his day and life, what makes him tick, and what he lives for. Michael has a great attitude about life and living it. He is not just a bad ass, but he is a dedicated family man and brother. You can check out his recent film "Hell Ride" or the classic "Reservoir Dogs". You can even pick up his new book; "American Bad Ass". The bike in the photos is what he rode in his recent movie "Hell Ride".

The bike was built by Justin at Glory Motor Works in Los Angeles. It was clean and cool. They ran a S.S. Shovel engine and a Flyrite Chassis, along with custom touches. Paint by Scott Craig - don't quote me on this stuff but you can contact Justin at and ask him to build you something.

Thanks for Looking,

Keep it W.F.O.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

USS John Paul Jones

Yesterday I got a special tour of the USS JOHN PAUL JONES. It was anchored off Malibu pier It was a honor to board this vessel. I think very highly of our armed forces and can't thank the Men and woman in them enough for defending our freedom. Be a supporter and at least fly a flag or send a letter to the troops. Thank you DDG 53 "IN HARM'S WAY"
Flag at the bow.
Here I am taking a few shots off the side at a pod of Dolphins..just kidding.. As you can see Point Dume in the back ground. Sorry for the blurry shot, but that is what happens when you give your camera to a stranger.
This is a view off the back looking at the Malibu pier a sheriff patrol and a armed zodiac doing the rounds.

This is the command center for defense where they fire the big guns and the Tomahawk missiles. As you can see the GPS reading of the ship off the Malibu coast. I thought this was super cool.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Breast Cancer Walk

My wife, Brittany Akerstrom-Walker is walking for Breast Cancer in San Francisco on July 9-10th and she needs your help to raise at least $1,800.00. If you can give a little, or give a lot, anything is appreciated. Get involved! Thank you for your help.

Check out her story.